Friday 4 December 2015

2016 Web marketing trends and predictions

2015 year will end. 2016 comes soon. The trends of Web marketing evolve. In 2016, companies need to bet on the 7 following trends :

  • Marketing Analytics: companies integrate in its strategy analytics figures. They use it for tracking users and business performances on Digital channels and for targeting its digital strategy.

  • Content Marketing: companies stress on content marketing and also, use users for creating more relevant and inspiring contents, for interacting with them, for building loyalty and for creating positive e-reputation.

  • Video Marketing: the use of video for marketing purpose is growing. Video advert becomes the best way to promote a product. It allows to attract quickly costumers attentions, develop business and earn more trust in their eyes.

  • Online Ads: will rise in 2016. It spreads on the web in the form of SEO, Google ads, targeted paid advertising ... Following months, it will become targeted adverts.

  • Personal touch: companies need to interact with costumers with personalized contents. Every costumers are unique and they have their own tastes and needs. Humanized contents allow companies to increase sales, satisfy and preserve customers.

  • Story telling: with the story telling techniques, companies attract the emotion of customers by telling stories. This techniques inspire emotion in costumers and increase their trusts.

  • Micro targeting: it is the most effective campaigns. Niche targeting target more effectively customers in aim to promote on the web. 

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