Saturday 17 December 2016

Best wishes 2017 !

Pace wishes you a joyful, bright, prosperous and happiest New Year !

Saturday 5 November 2016

5 risky digital marketing strategies that marketers need to take

and worth to take. Don't be affraid, try them!

  1. switch from out-bound to content marketing: Content marketing drives more traffiic and leads than out-bound. It will highlight your company at the top of the search engine. 
  2. publish eye-catching, fun and interactive contents: to attract more consumers. 
  3. use divers social media channels: like blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google + and also, the new ones Snapchat, Instagram ... to reach consumers, to publish articles / videos and target specific groups and audiences. 
  4. write content for REAL PEOPLE: write well and simply. Use keywords to draw more traffic from search engine. 
  5. repost your top blog post with new title and visual. 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Web marketing / How to create a click worthy headline ?

8 out of 10 people read headline

but only 2 out of 10 read the rest of article

 A good headline brings lot of clicks to your posts. A poor headline renders your post invisible. It becomes the best way of persuading readers. To retain their attentions, you should adopt the following title ideas:             
  1. The formula HOW? which propose results: Exemple: How to create a click worthy headline?

    2. Headline resolving a problem: Exemple: 10 strategies for building sucessful online business. 

       3. Expressing an affirmation: "Facebook joins the stock market"

         4.  Controversy: "The causes and consequences of Brexit"

           5.  Short, Clear and Concis headlines: "Wearing black make you look slimmer"

             6. Questions: "A geek: an asset for companies"

               7. Cogitate and intriguate headlines: "The cloud threatens companies'datas"

                 8. Top lists: "UK top 50 Digital Agencies in 2016"


Thursday 7 January 2016

2016 Digital Marketing Plan

A new year starts. You need to define a new digital marketing plan for 2016.

1.            Set your goals and objectives like launching a new product/ service, make different thing from competitors …

2.            Target your online audience by their age, hobbies and location.

3.            Built your business strategy: evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and pricing

4.            Construct your promotional plan through digital channels like SEO, social media, email marketing and content marketing.

5.            Use high quality images, testimonials & reviews of your products/services

6.            Finally, create partnerships.  

Thursday 31 December 2015

Happy New Year 2016 !!!!


Pace wishes you a joyful, bright, prosperous and happiest
New Year !

Friday 11 December 2015

7 Facebook trends expected in 2016

New features are added to Facebook. They will contribute to the development of the companies through the digital channel. Like

  1. The Search Marketing with Search FYI, a search tool which personalizes results by adding current popular posts to the results.
  2. The advertisement through Messenger allows companies to improve their customer service offering conversations, stock management, order status … 
  3. The Virtual support which can deliver a service and complete task instead of you like booking a train ticket.
  4. The Instant Articles, with this tool, Facebook creates articles that load instantly.
  5. The Notify, a notification app which aggregate stories and push them directly onto user’s lockscreen. 
  6. The Facebook live, the live video streaming which allow celebrities to broadcast live video to watching their fans.
  7. The accessibility of Facebook datas like conversation around events, brands, topics and activities….

Friday 4 December 2015

2016 Web marketing trends and predictions

2015 year will end. 2016 comes soon. The trends of Web marketing evolve. In 2016, companies need to bet on the 7 following trends :

  • Marketing Analytics: companies integrate in its strategy analytics figures. They use it for tracking users and business performances on Digital channels and for targeting its digital strategy.

  • Content Marketing: companies stress on content marketing and also, use users for creating more relevant and inspiring contents, for interacting with them, for building loyalty and for creating positive e-reputation.

  • Video Marketing: the use of video for marketing purpose is growing. Video advert becomes the best way to promote a product. It allows to attract quickly costumers attentions, develop business and earn more trust in their eyes.

  • Online Ads: will rise in 2016. It spreads on the web in the form of SEO, Google ads, targeted paid advertising ... Following months, it will become targeted adverts.

  • Personal touch: companies need to interact with costumers with personalized contents. Every costumers are unique and they have their own tastes and needs. Humanized contents allow companies to increase sales, satisfy and preserve customers.

  • Story telling: with the story telling techniques, companies attract the emotion of customers by telling stories. This techniques inspire emotion in costumers and increase their trusts.

  • Micro targeting: it is the most effective campaigns. Niche targeting target more effectively customers in aim to promote on the web.