Thursday 3 March 2016

Web marketing / How to create a click worthy headline ?

8 out of 10 people read headline

but only 2 out of 10 read the rest of article

 A good headline brings lot of clicks to your posts. A poor headline renders your post invisible. It becomes the best way of persuading readers. To retain their attentions, you should adopt the following title ideas:             
  1. The formula HOW? which propose results: Exemple: How to create a click worthy headline?

    2. Headline resolving a problem: Exemple: 10 strategies for building sucessful online business. 

       3. Expressing an affirmation: "Facebook joins the stock market"

         4.  Controversy: "The causes and consequences of Brexit"

           5.  Short, Clear and Concis headlines: "Wearing black make you look slimmer"

             6. Questions: "A geek: an asset for companies"

               7. Cogitate and intriguate headlines: "The cloud threatens companies'datas"

                 8. Top lists: "UK top 50 Digital Agencies in 2016"